On creating a brand that gives you permission to shine


Hands up if this sounds familiar….

‘I’d love to put my prices up/collaborate with that brand/exhibit at that event... but I can’t, not with my brand looking like that’

It’s a familiar story, entrepreneurs standing in their own way or putting things off until they have an identity that they feel more confident in. I completely understand it; when you’re doing something that takes you out of your comfort zone, you want to be sure that your business looks credible enough to pull it off - partly because you want things to be successful, partly because you don’t want to be laughed out if the room. A brand identity that you know you’ve outgrown, or a website that you’re too ashamed to direct people towards will definitely not help. And if you’re starting a new business, it’s even harder - you’ve no track record and nothing to show that you’re the real deal. When you think of it like this, you realise the power that your visual identity really holds over the potential of you as an entrepreneur, and of your business.

Often we’re asked whether now is the right time for a business owner to invest in their brand identity. It’s not always an easy decision to make - the branding process requires a significant investment both in time and money, and given that both are often in limited supply, it can be tempting to put it off. But if you think that you can’t raise your prices without a gorgeous brand, or that you can’t approach that dream client all the while your website looks like THAT, it’s time to pull the trigger. Investing in a brand that’s visually gorgeous isn’t just about having something that looks beautiful, but something that opens doors, shows you off in the best possible light and helps you to win business. Your visual identity is an asset - it’s a key sales tool that should make the job of selling an immeasurably easier one. And in that way, it should pay for itself.

Executed carefully, with time, thought and skill behind every detail, your brand identity will give you permission to take your business in a fresh, new, exciting direction, crushing any of the fear that’s currently holding you back.

What could you achieve if your brand was looking every bit as good as you want it to?

If this post has resonated with you, please do yourself a favour: find a quiet moment with your notebook and a cup of tea, and start thinking about all of the things that’d be possible if your visual identity matched your aspirations. Please don’t be limited by a brand that doesn’t do your business justice. There’s SO much potential in your business, and you owe it to yourself to be able to go out there and live your possibility.

Go on. We’re rooting for you.

Ditto Branding

Ditto Creative are a an independent, boutique brand and web agency in Kent, UK. We specialise in emotive, powerful brands which reflect the soul of our clients’ businesses authentically and effectively. Our expertise includes consultancy, copywriting, logo design and brand development, Squarespace websites, illustration & design for print.


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