Proud to Present: a restful brand for Whist


Kerry Hawkins is the wonderful, warm-hearted soul behind Whist - a fresh new business. Her husbands’ devastating cancer diagnosis sent life sideways in 2016, and for many months her family's’ lives were put on hold whilst the man they adored bravely battled to keep his life.

During the darkest days of this time, Kerry found solace in the ritual of lighting a candle upon her return home from being with Nik in hospital. Her nightly candlelit bath provided a moment of calm amidst chaos - with only the glow of candlelight for company, Kerry felt able to lose herself in the flame’s gentle flicker. As the heady scent fragranced the air, Kerry felt something within her - a change in her being, as else fell away and she claimed a few minutes to focus on herself, just for a while.

As time has passed, Kerry realised that candles have accompanied her through many of life’s most poignant moments. Sitting in the garden on balmy summer evenings, watching the sun go down. Dinner with friends, laughter filling the room with a favourite candles adding glimmer to the ambience. Restorative bubble baths, immersive writing sessions, sitting beside the fire with a coffee in one hand and a good book in another - a flickering candle will always be there. Kerry found that candles have a profound impact on her well-being, encouraging her to reset and connect with whatever it is that’s in front of her, in that moment.

Inspired by her personal experiences, Kerry had a deep a desire to gift people with a moment that’s theirs. Whist’s luxury range of aromatherapy candles are designed to create a moment for others, cocooning them in care. Evocative, gorgeous and thoroughly beautiful, they’re created with thought, intention and utter respect for the planet to ensure that they do nothing but good.

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Whist - candle design by Ditto Creative, boutique branding agency.jpg
Whist - candle box design by Ditto Creative branding agency Kent.jpg

Doing good is at the heart of Whist. Supporting the well-being and mental health of others is high on the agenda. But more than that, this is a business created with deep respect for what mother nature supplies us with. Going to great lengths to ensure that every step of the supply chain works in a way which is ethical and sustainable is crucial. Whist will never put profit over people, the planet or any of its inhabitants, creating a genuinely ethical, sustainable and vegan brand. Because that’s the way Kerry believes things should be.

This is so much more than a luxury candle brand - it’s a lifestyle brand; one shaped entirely upon principles of love, care and a connection to nature.

Whist - home page website design by Ditto Creative branding agency Kent.jpg
Whist - thank you and blend card by Ditto Creative branding agency.jpg

Kerry is set to launch her beautiful business this month and I can’t WAIT to get my hands on one of her candles - I know it’ll be just gorgeous!

Ditto Branding

Ditto Creative are a an independent, boutique brand and web agency in Kent, UK. We specialise in emotive, powerful brands which reflect the soul of our clients’ businesses authentically and effectively. Our expertise includes consultancy, copywriting, logo design and brand development, Squarespace websites, illustration & design for print.

Proud to Present: a bright, beautiful and joyful brand for Diane Hill


Proud to Present: a balancing, beautiful brand for Helen Smith