You're invited to The Marketing Clinic


I've been thinking about marketing lately. I've been thinking how amazing it'd have been when we were starting out if someone who knew what they were talking about had been able to give me the practical tools, insights and templates to give my marketing structure. So that's what I want to do for you.

A new online course for business owners who want to take control of their marketing

Whether you're just starting out or running an established business, marketing is absolutely essential to your business. We all know it, but few of us actually know how to promote our businesses in a structured, meaningful way that actually works. 

That's why we've designed a course that provides the real-life, practical know-how that every business owner needs in order to effectively promote their business. With a blend of live webinars, downloadable templates and discussion with like-minded business owners, this course will make it easier than ever to communicate your value and convert enquiries into sales…

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Give your marketing the backbone it's been missing

Join me and a handful of other ambitious business owners for a course that’s designed to give structure and oomph to your marketing. You’ll write a simple and easy-to-implement marketing plan, design an impactful sales process, discover how to handle enquiries in an effective, time saving way and convert them into a paid-up client.

You’ll feel more confident, secure in the knowledge that you’re demonstrating your value and communicating in a positive and authentic way that welcomes more people to your business.


/ The course

This is an online course, running over 5 weeks, starting on Thursday 20th June. Each week there’ll be a live 45 minute webinar (hosted at 2pm on Thursday afternoons) where I’ll talk you through the weeks’ topic and answer questions. And every week I’ll release notes and downloadable guides for you to implement within your business. The beauty is that you’ll have lifetime access – so pay once, and tap back in any time.

/ What we’ll cover

  • Creating a clear message

  • Setting your intentions and writing your marketing plan

  • Planning your marketing toolkit

  • Bringing your brand to life through each interaction

  • Designing your sales process and handling enquiriesandling enquiries


/ How you’ll benefit

We’ll lift the fog that surrounds your marketing and give you structured, practical advice that you can implement right away. As a result of working with us, clients have been able to increase their prices, change the perception of their business, attract clients more easily, win more work and diversify into new areas.

/ What’s the investment?

I’m so excited by the potential of this class and I’d love for you to join me! I’m delighted to offer the introductory rate of £235 plus VAT.

That works out to just £47 per week to get your hands on some fantastic tools which I know will make a huge difference to your relationship with promoting your business.


To find out more about the course, click here - to book, simply email

Can't wait to welcome you!

Ditto Branding

Ditto Creative are a an independent, boutique brand and web agency in Kent, UK. We specialise in emotive, powerful brands which reflect the soul of our clients’ businesses authentically and effectively. Our expertise includes consultancy, copywriting, logo design and brand development, Squarespace websites, illustration & design for print.

Proud to Present: a calm and peaceful brand identity for Still by Paul Sanders


On business and babies: how we make it work